Tuesday Görmanie

Facettenreicher RockBluesCountry
von tuesdaygoermanie
erstellt 08.02.2011 09:30 Uhr


Born down in Reinbek (Germany) in 2009, as a Jamsession Club, called Tuesday...cuz we play every tuesday. So Hagen wrote a song about a part of his life and that´s "Gut so" ... so we still go on ;) Our trd song is "Hillstreet". It seems to be Bernadette again...don´t know what´s up with Hagen. I think, he don´t want her back :-P We work on a EP. Hope it´s ready in March this year. Three Songs and a Bonus Track...keep rockin´ So...Songs are ready. Latest is a Ballad, written and composed by Tom Wood and Tuesday Görmanie...hope it´s cool :) We are: Ron - Leadguitar/Vocals Alex - Guitar/Didgeridoo Tom - Cajón/Percussions/Vocals/Production Hagen - Songwriter/Vocals George - Guitar All the Best Tuesday G.




Tom Wood

21465 Reinbek

Telefon: keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt


Hillstreet 60´s

Don´t want 2 be a Star (Mystic Version)



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