Pink Trash

We are pink trash and we play Rock/Indie-Rock Music. We are looking for a Guitarist! If you‘re interested or have questions, write us!: Kristin, Aleks, Irene
von Pink Trash
erstellt 06.09.2024 11:09 Uhr


Hi everyone, 

 we are Kristin(voice and second guitar), Aleks (drums) and Irene (bass). 

 Our band is called pink trash, we are located in Hamburg and we play together a mix of rock/Pop/ indie since half a year. (We are quite new in the music field) 

We are doing for now covers but plan to have also originals in the future.

 As you may have noticed we are missing a lead guitar. If you want to be part of our band or just play together, write us an e-mail!



Diese Band hat keine Kontaktdaten hinterlegt.




Andere Bands in dieser Kategorie: Coverband

Back to us (Rock, Pop, Rhythm & Blues)

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Faltenrock (Keine Alltagsthemen wie Arbeitslosigkeit und Umweltschutz, Party halt. )

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Boerney & die Tri Tops (Partyhits * Rock * Schlager * Evergreens * NDW * Charts und 100% LIVE)

moonrock (Rock und Blues mit einer Prise Funk und Country )

DownTown Livemusic Hamburg (High Class Live Music Cover ! Best of 80ties, 90ties and 2000. International Pop Hits, Classic Rock, German Party and Charts of today ! )

nortkelE (Akustikband auf Abwegen - elektrisch und laut!)

Glad All Over (Rock/Pop Cover)

Crispy Chicks (Quer durch den Gemüsegarten ist unser Repertoire! Von Klassik Rock, Rock'n Roll, Blues Rock bis Modern Pop!)

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