Felix Albers Music

von FelixAlbersMusic
erstellt 17.07.2014 21:11 Uhr


Felix Albers was born in Hamburg almost exactly 24 years ago. Through his father and mother, he came early to music. So it was only a matter of time until he started to make music by himself. Now he is a Singer, Songwriter and Producer without fix genre. It doesnt matter what genre Felix want to create. Pop - Rock - Electro or HipHop. He just create whats in his mind.




Felix Albers

20457 Hamburg

Telefon: keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt


Know Me



Andere Bands in dieser Kategorie: Alternative

Aerodraft (Mix aus Alternative und Punk)

Harry Dick (Gitarren Musik)

I.O.U. (progressiver Alternative-Rock, teilweise härter)

Kniffte (Punk, Alternative)

The Slimlegs (Fein abgestimmter Acousticsound verfeinert mit verzerrtem Rockleadsound und trotzdem schön melodisch,....)

Remember Me (wir machen i-was in die richtung pop-punk oder alternative xD)

le trash (alternativ, indie glam trash)

Inmost Silence (gothic/electro/melodisch/Gitarre)

Four Colours (Imagine there are four musicians trying to paint a picture of their world - thats what out music is about!)

Polyface (Alternative Progressive)

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