
Alternative Rock mit Ausschlägen in viele Richtungen
von Venatic
erstellt 21.01.2009 15:56 Uhr


The Band formed back in 2003 and after several line-up changes they arrived at their current formation in late 2007, which is musically, personally and professionally the best they have been in their history. There have been a lot of ups and downs for Julien (Vox), Mark (Guit), Peter (Guit) and Torben (Drums) over the last few years but these experiences only made them grow stronger and become more tightly knit. Driven by their new bass player Markus, the band combines modern alternative Rock leaking over from the US with a slight taste of old school attitude and song writing, which they interpret in their very own melodic way. The lead singer, Julien Philipp, adds his personal style to each song, which could be anything from expressive 'Myles Kennedy like' chorus lines to furious Pantera shouts. The bands focus lies on each song itself, to avoid the constant repetition of "one and the same" as is often the case in the current music business. While playing and working their ass off at rehearsals in their little basement-studio in the north of Hamburg/German each one of them tries to put as much heart into every song as humanly possible. It goes without saying that songs are tweaked until all members are satisfied with the final product. Their music is their way of life, they express themselves through it and it's a main life-priority. In August 2008 VENATIC went collaborating with up and coming engineer, producer and musician Eike Freese from Hamburg/Germany and recorded their third EP. There is a lot to do and even more to achieve in the future. VENATIC is ready for whatever is coming... are you?!



Torben Neuss

22393 Hamburg

Telefon: keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt





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