Modern Symphonic Dark Metal
von Confector
erstellt 11.12.2008 11:04 Uhr


[AEONS CONFER - The Start] Was founded in October 1997 in Hamburg, Germany by Simon and Nils, with the idea to create fast and complex Modern Symphonic Dark Metal. Later on, with former musicians from the bands In Distress, Viola Dawn and Behind Sun (Tim, Dennis, Martin, Alex), they conquered their quest to form one of the most amazing metal bands today, AEONS CONFER. So far, they have two recordings, one music video and numerous live shows under their belts - and the journey has just begun! [AEONS CONFER - The Symphony Continues] With a new line-up, consisting of the original members Simon (guitars), Nils (drums), Dennis (keys) and Alex (guitars) and new conscripts Ole (bass guitar), Thomas (additional keys), AEONS CONFER are hard at work preparing the recordings of their first full length album "Symphonies Of Saturnus". Be prepared for the next masterpiece of Modern Symphonic Dark Metal to come to your galaxy very soon! More infos:



Thomas Reinsch

22085 Hamburg

Telefon: keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt




Andere Bands in dieser Kategorie: Metal

2nd Sight (Metal/Rock)

DETERNITY (Alternative Metal, Nu-Rock)

Parity Boot (Industrial/Thrash/Metal/Crossover)

Fornax (Modern Metal)

Infinite Torture (Deathmetal mit stilelementen von Thrash, Black und ein wenig Grind)

Descendrium (Melodic Death)

Eve Of Alana (Metal / Rock Alternative)

Woodland (Progressive Metal)

Heatric (Back to the Roots, klarer einfacher Heavy metal mit nem Schuss aktueller Einflüsse :))

Metal Meltdown (Heavy Metal Cover der 70er und 80er Jahre)

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