von frank_lg
erstellt 16.08.2011 01:27 Uhr


Formed in Palermo, Italy, in 2006 driven mainly by the passion for Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin the band has soon started appearing at some British Festivals for upcoming bands after the release of the first Demo. In 2007 the guys decide to move to London attracted by the musical opportunities and the inspiration coming from the city. In March 2009 the band gets in the studio to record its first EP album called "London Town". An intensive classic rock-blues 4 tracks record recorded and mixed at Urchin Studios London by Dax Cox and Matt Ingram. The EP has been printed and distribuited by Wiser Entertainment. After that, the band has lost all components on the way but one Francesco Li Greci, the first and the last. He´s been touring around with several musicians keeping the name and the spirit of Bad Whiskey. One of the last gigs was in March 2010 in Berlin at Intersoup, Prenzlauer Berg featuring Joe Meneghini an extraordinary talented italian guitarist. After a break due to personal reasons Bad Whiskey is back to music and is planning shows around Europe. Hope to see you all soon out there!




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London Town

Golden Stones





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