Searching for other musicians to practice [M31]

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Verfasst von flustercluck am 22.08.2024 18:26 Uhr in Drums suchen


My name is Dale and I am 31 years old.  Unfortunately, I don't speak German.

I'm playing drums since the end of 2022, and I'd like to make music with other people who has similar experience. I don't know many songs at this time, which is why I'd like to practice.

I am interested in playing Balkan music, pop, rock. I have an electronic drum set that I use to practice at home, but I can't really move this to rehearse, which is why a rehearsal room with drums would be awesome. Obviously, I'd chip in if we need to pay for the room and split the cost.

I don't think I'm ready to play in a band yet. I'm looking to meet other people and have some fun. :)





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